Recognized as the definitive reference in laboratory medicine since 1908, Henry's Clinical Diagnosis continues to offer state-of-the-art guidance on the scientific foundation and clinical application of today's complete range of laboratory tests. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, it presents the newest information available in the field, including new developments in technologies and the automation platforms on which measurements are performed. Provides guidance on error detection, correction, and prevention, as well as cost-effective test selection. Features a full-color layout, illustrations and visual aids, and an organization based on organ system. Features the latest knowledge on cutting-edge technologies of molecular diagnostics and proteomics. Includes a wealth of information on the exciting subject of omics; these extraordinarily complex measurements reflect important changes in the body and have the potential to predict the onset of diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Coverage of today's hottest topics includes advances in transfusion medicine and organ transplantation; molecular diagnostics in microbiology and infectious diseases; point-of-care testing; pharmacogenomics; and the microbiome. Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring chapter discusses the necessity of testing for therapeutic drugs that are more frequently being abused by users.
The sensitivity is similar to that of the Watson-Schwartz test, but the reaction is for porphobilinogen. This test will detect about 20 to 100 mg/L of porphobilinogen; urobilinogen in amounts up to 200 mg/L does not give a positive ...
"This twenty-fourth edition marks more than 100 years since A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis, authored by James Campbell Todd, was introduced in 1908.
Todd-Sanford-Davidsohn Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 22/e
Clinical Laboratory Management Second Edition This totally revised second edition is a comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the management challenges facing today's clinical laboratories.
With questions and content derived from Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 21st Edition - widely regarded as the definitive masterwork in clinical pathology - you can depend on this Review Manual to reinforce ...
Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases, Second Edition offers diagnostic molecular geneticists a unique opportunity to sharpen their scientific skills in the design of assays, their execution, and their interpretation.
Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine, Second Edition: Presents over 100 cases organised by disease group Reflects latest treatment and risk factor guidelines, testing algorithms and recommendations Newly covers coagulopathies, infectious ...
This eighth edition features new clinical cases from The Coakley Collection, new questions from The Deacon's Challenge of Biochemical Calculations Collection, plus new content throughout the text to ensure you stay ahead of all the latest ...
Lawson N, Berg JD, Chesner IM: Liquid-chromatographic determination of p-aminobenzoic acid in plasma and to evaluate exocrine pancreatic function, Clin Chem 31:1073-1075, 1985. 4. Yung-Jato LL, Durie PR, Soldin SJ: Liquid ...