This issue of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Clinics will focus on stroke rehabilitation and will include articles such as: Mechanisms of stroke recovery, Insights from basic sciences, Stroke recovery and predictors of rehabilitation outcomes, Upper limb motor impairments, Post-stroke spasticity, Communication disorders and dysphagia, Neuropharmacology of Recovery, Robotic therapy, and many more.
Forthcoming Issues ForthcomingIssuesAugust2014 Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Diana Cardenas, MD, ... MDCM, MSc, FRCPC, CCRC and Cloie B. Johnson, MEd, ABVED, CCM,Editors Related Interest Medical Clinics of North America, ...
This issue of Medical Clinics, guest edited by Dr. David A. Lenrow, is devoted to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
LM uses evidence-based behavioral change strategies and practices presented as health coaching to help patients adopt and ... CLINICS CARE POINTS Adequate sleep for adults is 7 to 9 hours per night as per the National Sleep Foundation.
Evaluation and Management of Hip and Pelvis Injuries Bryan Heiderscheit, PT, PhDa,b,c,*, Shane McClinton, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSCSd KEYWORDS Hamstring tendinopathy Chronic groin pain Greater trochanteric pain syndrome Piriformis syndrome ...
401 Answers to the learning and stretch activities are available ... KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) (2012) KDIGO clinical practice guideline for acute kidney injury. Kidney International Supplements, 2(1), 124–183.
This book shows anyone interested how to create an effective climate for healing and how to help the survivor realize his/her fullest recovery potential.
Beginning with detailed information on risk factors, epidemiology, prevention, and neurophysiology, the book details the acute and long-term treatment of all stroke-related impairments and complications.
The best-selling textbook of medical-surgical nursing is now in its Eleventh Edition—with updated content throughout and enhanced, state-of-the-art ancillaries. Highlights include a stronger focus on health promotion, more extensive coverage...
DILLER , L. ( 1969 ) Perceptual and intellectual problems in hemiplegia : implications for rehabilitation . Medical Clinics of North America , 53. 575-583 . 2 . RIDDOCH , M. and HUMPHREYS , G. ( 1986 ) Unilateral neglect .
This revised and updated edition of the medical-surgical nursing text features an emphasis on the continuum of medical-surgical nursing care - from on site care through emergency room, intensive, acute,...