Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book

Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Stephen M. Reed, Warwick M. Bayly, Debra C. Sellon


Confidently diagnose, treat, and manage patient conditions with the only comprehensive book on the market devoted solely to equine internal medicine. Filled with fully updated content on principles of treatment and contributions from internationally known equine experts, Equine Internal Medicine, 4th Edition focuses on the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the development of various equine diseases. A problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. A new companion website with over 120 video clips presents diseases and disorders that cannot be explained as well through words Updated information throughout, including the most recent drug information. Current and well-referenced content on equine diseases and treatment techniques cites the latest books and journals. Internationally known equine experts present information on problems affecting horses throughout the world — and provide contributions that enable practitioners and students to approach disease and treatment of equine patients with more authority and understanding. User-friendly exterior and interior design makes the book appealing to both the equine internal medicine practitioner and the veterinary student. Easy-to-find information facilitates a more thorough understanding with minimal frustration. Organized and consistent coverage among chapters allows you to easily find information on a specific topic. NEW! Fully updated and revised sections on disorders and principles of treatment. NEW! Problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. NEW! Pathophysiology is emphasized throughout, providing a sound basis for discussions of the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that follow. NEW! Body systems chapters begin with a thorough discussion of the diagnostic method appropriate to the system, including physical examination, clinical pathology, radiography, endoscopy, and ultrasonography. NEW and UNIQUE! Companion website includes more than 120 video clips linked to content from chapters on cardiovascular and neurologic system disorders. NEW! Flow charts, diagrams, and algorithms clarify complex material.

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