Comprehensive Medical Assisting begins with Kinn! Elsevier’s 60th Anniversary edition of Kinn’s The Medical Assistant, 13th Edition provides you with real-world administrative and clinical skills that are essential to working in the modern medical office. An applied learning approach to the MA curriculum is threaded throughout each chapter to help you further develop the tactile and critical thinking skills necessary for working in today’s healthcare setting. Paired with our adaptive solutions, real –world simulations, EHR documentation and HESI remediation and assessment, you will learn the leading skills of modern administrative and clinical medical assisting in the classroom! Basics of Diagnostic Coding prepares you to use the ICD-10 coding system. Learning objectives listed in the same order as content makes it easy to review material. Clinical procedures integrated into the TOC give you a quick reference point. Professional behavior boxes provide guidelines on how to interact with patients, families, and coworkers. Patient education and legal and ethical issues are described in relation to the Medical Assistant's job. Applied approach to learning helps you use what you’ve learned in the clinical setting. Learning objectives and vocabulary with definitions highlight what’s important in each chapter. Critical thinking applications test your understanding of the content. Step-by-step procedures explain complex conditions and abstract concepts. Rationales for each procedure clarify the need for each step and explains why it’s being performed. Portfolio builder helps you demonstrate your mastery of the material to potential employers. NEW! Chapter on The Health Record reviews how you’ll be working with a patient’s medical record. NEW! Chapter on Technology in the Medical Office introduces you to the role EHR technology plays in the medical office. NEW! Chapter on Competency-Based Education helps you understand how your mastery of the material will affect your ability to get a job. NEW! Clinical procedure videos helps you visualize and review key procedures.
FiGURE 26-32 When precise gonad shielding is required for female patients, place the lower margin of the shield on the upper margin of the pubic symphysis. (Bontrager KL, Lampignano J: Textbook of radiographic positioning and related ...
The reorganized 14th edition includes expanded content on medical office accounts, collections, banking, practice management, and healthcare laws, as well as a new chapter reviewing medical terminology, anatomy, and pathology. --
The opening quotes renowned author A.J. Cronin: “Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again ...
Based on trusted content from the bestselling Kinn’s product suite, this brand-new text and its accompanying resources incorporate the latest standards and competencies throughout, as well as approachable coverage of math, medical ...
The reorganized 14th edition includes expanded content on topics from professionalism and interpersonal skills to billing and coding, electronic health records, and practice management as well as a new chapter reviewing medical terminology, ...
Kinn's the Medical Assistant - Text, Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual, and Simchart for the Medical Office 2018 Edition...
Binder-Ready Edition: This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, you can personalize the text to match your unique study needs!
The reorganized 14th edition includes expanded content on medical office accounts, collections, banking, and practice management as well as a new chapter reviewing medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, and pathology.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sarah Kay Haile 1 0. Marie Gracelia Stuart 1 1. 1 2. Randi Ann Perez 1 3. Cecelia Gayle Raglan 1 4. Sarah Sue Ragland 1 5. Riley Americus Belk 1 6. Starr Ellen Beall 1 7. 1 8. George Scott Turner 1 9. 2 0. 2 1.
Now in its 3rd Edition, this popular text gives office personnel just what they need to perform all of their nonclinical tasks with greater skill and efficiency. You get the...