Practical Dermatopathology E-Book

Practical Dermatopathology E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Ronald P. Rapini


Written from the perspective of both the histopathologist and clinician, Practical Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, allows you to search by disease or pathologic feature to quickly locate key criteria and a differential diagnosis. Practical and portable, Practical Dermatopathology is your ideal high-yield microscope companion! Make accurate, complete reports by fully understanding clinical correlations. Accurately diagnose a wide range of conditions using nearly 800 full-color illustrations, with leader lines pointing out key pathologic and clinical features as they would be seen in daily practice. Find critical information quickly through extensive cross-referencing of differential diagnosis lists by finding and disease. Clinical lists are based on location, symptoms, duration, arrangement, morphology, and color. Pathologic lists include major categories such as epidermal changes, dermal changes, and cell types. Gauge your mastery of the material with online multiple-choice review questions (130 are NEW) that provide an ideal study resource for board review or recertification. Stay current with comprehensive updates throughout, as well as unique differential diagnosis lists, numerous tables and boxes, full-color histology images, and supporting clinical photographs including bonus clinical correlation images online.

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