Back and better than ever, Darby and Walsh's Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition offers everything you need to succeed in your coursework, at certification, and in clinical practice. No other dental hygiene text incorporates the clinical skills, theory, and evidence-based practice in such an approachable way. All discussions - from foundational concepts to diagnosis to pain management - are presented within the context of a unique patient-centered model that takes the entire person into consideration. New to this fifth edition is a much more streamlined approach - one that stays focused on need-to-know information, yet also houses expanded content on things like alternative practice settings, pediatric care, risk assessment, and dental hygiene diagnosis to give you added context when needed. This edition is also filled with new modern illustrations and new clinical photos to augment your learning. If you want a better grasp of all the dental hygienist's roles and responsibilities in today's practice, they Darby and Walsh's renowned text is a must-have. Focus on research and evidence-base practice provide proven findings and practical applications for topics of interest in modern dental hygiene care. Step-by-step procedure boxes with accompanying illustrations, clinical photos, and rationales outline the equipment required and the steps involved in performing key procedures. Critical thinking exercises, cases, and scenarios help hone your application and problem-solving skills. Feature boxes highlight patient education, law, ethics, and safety. UNIQUE! Discussions of theory provide a solid foundation for practice. Key terms are called out within chapters and defined in glossary with cross-references to chapters. Practice quizzes enable you to self-assess your understanding. NEW! Streamlined approach focuses on the information you need to know along with the practical applications. NEW! Added content covers alternative practice settings, new infection control guidelines, pediatric care, risk assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, the electronic health record (EHR), and more. NEW! Modern illustrations and updated clinical photos give you a better picture of how to perform essential skills and utilize clinical technology. NEW! Online procedures videos guide you step-by-step through core clinical skills. NEW! Editorial team brings a fresh perspective and more than 30 years of experience in dental hygiene education, practice, and research.
... consistency, and BOP; based on the assumption that a slight color change is indicative of gingival inflammation (PDI) (Ramfjord, 1967)* To measure the extent of periodontal disease (i.e., assesses gingivitis, gingival sulcus depth, ...
The chapters in this workbook directly correlate to textbook chapters and provide ample review questions and exercises, competency skills evaluation sheets, case studies, and information for your clinical externship and professional ...
The chapters in this workbook directly correlate to textbook chapters and provide ample review questions and exercises, competency skills evaluation sheets, case studies, and information for your clinical externship and professional ...
You'll want to keep this book by your side as a quick reference in clinics and as a refresher once you start your practice. Procedures include simple, clear illustrations and rationales for each step.
It offers a clear approach to science and theory, a step-by-step guide to core dental hygiene procedures, and realistic scenarios to help with the development of skills in decision making.
This edition is also filled with new modern illustrations and new clinical photos to augment your learning.
She relies on her employer, Dr. Albert Brady, to tell her what is “legal” or “illegal” in dental hygiene. She rarely attends professional meetings or reads scientific publications. She discusses with you, a dental hygiene colleague, ...
Darby's Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene: Pageburst E-book on Vitalsource + Evolve Access
Austin DG: Special considerations in orofacial pain and headache, Dent Clin North Am 41:325, 1997. Bailey DB: Sleep disorders. Overview and relationship to orofacial pain, Dent Clin North Am 41:189, 1997. Becker I, Tarantola G, ...
Rich with engaging learning features and student resources, the Fifth Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect the hygienist's increasingly important role in periodontal therapy and to help students confidently apply what ...