Assessment and Multimodal Management of Pain - E-Book: An Integrative Approach

Assessment and Multimodal Management of Pain - E-Book: An Integrative Approach
Elsevier Health Sciences
Maureen Cooney, Ann Quinlan-Colwell


Learn best practices and evidence-based guidelines for assessing and managing pain! Assessment and Multimodal Management of Pain: An Integrative Approach describes how to provide effective management of pain through the use of multiple medications and techniques, including both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment regimens. A holistic approach provides an in-depth understanding of pain and includes practical assessment tools along with coverage of opioid and non-opioid analgesics, interventional and herbal approaches to pain, and much more. Written by experts Maureen F. Cooney and Ann Quinlan-Colwell, this reference is a complete, step-by-step guide to contemporary pain assessment and management. Evidence-based, practical guidance helps students learn to plan and implement pain management, and aligns with current guidelines and best practices. Comprehensive information on the pharmacologic management of pain includes nonopioid analgesics, opioid analgesics, and co-analgesics, including dose titration, routes of administration, and prevention of side effects. UNIQUE! Multimodal approach for pain management is explored throughout the book, as it affects assessment, the physiologic experience, and the culturally determined expression, acknowledgement, and management of pain. UNIQUE! Holistic, integrative approach includes thorough coverage of pain management with non-pharmacologic methods. Clinical scenarios are cited to illustrate key points. Equivalent analgesic action for common pain medications provides readers with useful guidance relating to medication selection. Pain-rating scales in over 20 languages are included in the appendix for improved patient/clinician communication and accurate pain assessment. UNIQUE! Authors Maureen F. Cooney and Ann Quinlan-Colwell are two of the foremost authorities in multimodal pain assessment and management. Sample forms, guidelines, protocols, and other hands-on tools are included, and may be reproduced for use in the classroom or clinical setting.

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