Give your students a complete guide to community health nursing! Community/Public Health Nursing, 7th Edition provides a unique, upstream preventive focus and a strong social justice approach, all in a concise, easy-to-read text. Covering the nurses’ role in promoting community health, it shows how students can take an active role in social action and health policy – emphasizing society’s responsibility to protect all human life and ensuring that diverse and vulnerable populations have their basic health needs met. Clinical examples and photo novellas show how nursing concepts apply to the real world. Written by community health nursing experts Mary A. Nies and Melanie McEwen, this book describes the issues and responsibilities of today’s community and public health nurse. UNIQUE! A ‘social justice’ approach promotes health for all people, including vulnerable populations. UNIQUE! ‘Upstream’ preventive focus addresses factors that are the precursors to poor health in the community, addressing potential health problems before they occur. Case Studies present the theory, concepts, and application of the nursing process in practical and manageable examples. UNIQUE! Photo novellas use photographs to tell stories showing real-life clinical scenarios and applications of important community health nursing roles. Application of the nursing process at the individual, family, and aggregate levels highlights the community perspective in all health situations Clinical examples offer snippets of real-life client situations. Theoretical frameworks common to nursing and public health aid in the application of familiar and new theory bases to problems and challenges in the community. Healthy People 2020 boxes include the most current national health care objectives. Research Highlights boxes show the application of research studies to the practice of community nursing. Ethical Insights boxes highlight ethical issues and concerns that the community/public health nurse may encounter. Objectives, key terms, and chapter outlines at the beginning of every chapter introduce important concepts and terminology. NEW AND UNIQUE! A Veterans Health chapter presents situations and considerations unique to the care of veterans. NEW! Genetics in Public Health boxes reflect increasing scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of using genetic tests and family health history to guide public health interventions. NEW! Active Learning boxes test your knowledge of the content you’ve just read, helping provide clinical application and knowledge retention.
Note: This synopsis may refer to a different edition of this book.
Journal of Health Visiting, 1(2), 117–121. Sandel, M., Sheward, R., & Sturtevant, L. (2015). Compounding stress: The timing and duration effects of homelessness on children's health. Insights from Housing Policy Research.
OF HOUSES DEATHS FROM CHOLERA DEATHS PER 10,000 HOUSEHOLDS Southwark and Vauxhall 40,046 1263 315 Lambeth 26,107 98 37 Rest of London 256,423 1422 59 2.3 Unintentional injuries Chronic nephritis and renal sclerosis Vascular lesions.
The book uses a practical, community-oriented approach and places an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Poirier, P. A. (2012). Humanbecoming: Transcending the now to explore the possibles in health policy. Nursing Science Quarterly, 25(1), 104—110, doi: 10.1177/0894318411429036.
This money-saving package includes the 8th edition of Community/Public Health Nursing Online for Stanhope and Lancaster, Public Health Nursing (User Guide and Access Code) and Public Health Nursing, 8th edition textbook.
Achieving this is dependent on nurses and public health practitioners implementing the core functions of practice—assessment, assurance, and policy development.
Retrieved from new-hampshire-opioids-epidemic.html Meier, A., Moore, S.K., Saunders, E.C., Metcalf, S.A., McLeman, B., Auty, S., & Marsch, L.A. (2017). HotSpot report: Understanding opioid ...
For this edition the text has been completely reorganised and updated including eight brand new chapters.
For example , in England , where there had been at least 450 charitable foundations before the Reformation , only a few survived the reign of Henry VIII , who closed most of the monastic hospitals ( Donahue , 1985 ) .