NEW! Global conditions of importance are covered, including those previously not discussed, that exist in Europe, Central and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. NEW! Coverage of emerging and re-emerging diseases includes the new pathogen discovery. NEW! Assessment of vaccination status and susceptibility to infection discusses how antibody titers can predict protection for some pathogens. NEW! Description of epigenetics and metagenomics provides detailed coverage of these emerging areas of interest. NEW! Table of zoonoses obtained from large animals includes symptoms and disinfection needs. NEW! Coverage of genetic disorders, Hydrocephalus in Fresians and Pulmonary hypoplasia with Anasarca in Dexter cattle help you to treat these disorders. NEW! Extensively updated content clarifies the latest research and clinical findings on the West Nile Virus, therapeutic drug monitoring, muscle disorders, GI microbiota, the genetic basis for Immune-mediated myositis in Quarter Horses, discoveries in antimicrobial drugs, anthelmintic, and vaccines, and more!
Veterinary Consult The Veterinary Consult version of this title provides electronic access to the complete content of this book.
Review in concise, outline format for veterinary students preparing for National Boards.
In contrast, survival is impaired at temperatures below 10°C (50°F) or above 35°C (95°F) or on dry soil. Ground surface moisture and water is ... In Prince Edward Island, 14% of dairy cows were serologically positive for serovar Hardjo.
Kovach JA, Nearing BD, Verrier R: Anger-like behavioral state potentiates myocardial ischemia-induced T-wave ... Wright KN: Interventional catheterization for tachyarrhythmias, Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract 34:1171, 2004.
An important addition to the library of any practice, this clinically-oriented text: Presents complete, practical information on small animal internal medicine Provides the background physiology required to understand normal versus abnormal ...
This comprehensive guide to all aspects of caring for horses, cattle, camelids, small ruminants, and pigs helps veterinary technician students learn everything they need to know about large animal medicine.
Kissling RE, Chamberlain RW, Nelson DB, et al. Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis in horses. Am J Hyg. ... Sudia WD, Fernandez L, Newhouse VF, et al. Arbovirus vector ecology studies in Mexico during the 1972 Venezuelan equine ...
Published in association with the Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians, this book offers both a thorough grounding in the foundations of internal medicine for students and new veterinary technicians and detailed, advanced ...
Poulsen KP, et al: Atresia coli in an alpaca cria, Vet Rec 158:598-599, 2006. Constable PD, et al: Evaluation of breed as a risk factor for atresia coli in cattle, Theriogenology 48:775-790, 1997. Syed M, et al: Atresia coli inherited ...
With chapter topics ranging from anatomy and nutrition to emergency and critical care, the book's coverage includes both the basics of veterinary care and more-specialized nursing procedures.Veterinary Technician's Large Animal Daily ...