Get the additional practice you need to master class content and pass the NCLEX® with the Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition! This easy-to-use guide includes exercises divided by difficulty level, fun activities, and a wealth of multiple-choice and alternate-format questions. Questions in disorders chapters cover the Client Needs categories in the NCLEX-PN® test plan which also helps you to transfer your knowledge of medical-surgical concepts directly to patient care in the clinical setting. Questions grouped by level of difficulty encourage you to move from easy, knowledge-based questions to more difficult, analytical questions. Alternate item formats exam include priority order, multiple response, labeling, and calculation questions to help you practice for the NCLEX-PN®. Exercises focus on long-term care patients and settings help you to prepare for real-world practice. NEW! Completely revised exercises and review questions match the most up-to-date nursing diagnoses from the text.
TO THE STUDENT Welcome to the seventh edition of the Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing. This Study Guide is a companion to the textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing by Adrianne Dill Linton and Mary Ann Matteson, and is designed to ...
NEW! Simplified and streamlined chapters make the book easier to use and information easier to find.
With chapters corresponding to the chapters in Stromberg’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5th Edition, this study guide provides a variety of exercises to help you master the role of the LPN/LVN.
With this practical study guide, you will prepare for NCLEX success and build the clinical reasoning skills you need for safe, effective nursing practice.
An individual study schedule reduces cognitive workload and helps you become a more effective learner by automatically guiding the learning and review process.
Patient-Centered Collaborative Care Donna D. Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman, Linda A. LaCharity, Candice K. Kumagai ... Increased esophageal clearance Which statement is true about Barrett's epithelium in the patient with GERD? a.
Package includes Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems Two Volume text and Virtual Clinical Excursions 2.0
Arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry (SpO2 ) of 84% on 2 L/min via nasal cannula indicates impaired oxygen saturation. ... Isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine (Bidil) is recommended for use in black patients with HFrEF to treat ...
Answers and rationales make it easy to improve upon any areas of weakness. With this study guide, you will prepare for success in class, on the NGN, and in medical-surgical nursing practice.
The sixth edition includes a new emphasis on clinical decision-making for patient-centered collaborative care and more streamlined and balanced coverage of the core body of knowledge needed for safe clinical practice.