Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia E-Book

Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
David H. Chestnut, Cynthia A Wong, Lawrence C Tsen


Comprehensive, user-friendly, and up to date, Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, provides the authoritative clinical information you need to provide optimal care to your patients. This substantially revised edition keeps you current on everything from basic science to anesthesia techniques to complications, including coverage of new research that is paving the way for improved patient outcomes. An expert editorial team ensures that this edition remains a must-have resource for obstetric anesthesiologists and obstetricians, nurse anesthetists and anesthesiology assistants, and anesthesiology and obstetric residents and students. Presents the latest information on anesthesia techniques for labor and delivery and medical disorders that occur during pregnancy, emphasizing the treatment of the fetus and the mother as separate patients with distinct needs. Contains new chapters on shared decision-making in obstetric anesthesia and chronic pain during and after pregnancy. Features extensive revisions from cover to cover, including consolidated information on maternal infection and postoperative analgesia. Covers key topics such as neonatal assessment and resuscitation, pharmacology during pregnancy and lactation, use of nitrous oxide for labor analgesia, programmed intermittent epidural bolus (PIEB) technique, epidural analgesia-associated fever, the role of gastric ultrasonography to assess the risk of aspiration, sugammadex in obstetric anesthesia, the role of video laryngoscopy and new supraglottic airway devices, spinal dysraphism, and cardiac arrest in obstetric patients. Incorporates the latest guidelines on congenital heart disease and the management of sepsis, as well as difficult airway guidelines that are specific to obstetric anesthesia practice. Offers abundant figures, tables, and boxes that illustrate the step-by-step management of a full range of clinical scenarios.

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