Corresponding to every chapter of the Leifer textbook, Study Guide for Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 8th Edition is a rich resource that enhances your comprehension and application of the material. With a variety of learning activities, critical thinking exercises, case studies, and review questions, this study guide reinforces your understanding of essential maternity and pediatric nursing concepts and skills that you need to pass the NCLEX-PN® and succeed in your nursing career. Case Studies and Applying Knowledge activities provide additional opportunities for you to apply learned information to clinical care. Thinking Critically activities require you to apply what you've learned in the textbook to new situations and draw conclusions based on that knowledge. Learning activities include matching, labeling, and completion exercises to help you learn basic concepts of maternity and pediatric nursing. NEW! Exercises and review questions correspond with updated content from the 8th edition of this best-selling textbook
... bodily harm a. scissors b. simple c. same a. responsible, patience b. 2–3, 3–6 c. deciduous d. rules Feeling of security Protection from danger Avoiding the need to make decisions that they are too young to make parents, child a.
NIC and NOC codes make possible the collection of electronic data for the purposes of research and reimbursement. Nursing Care Plan 1-1 includes NIC and NOC entries to demonstrate how they are incorporated into the typical care plan.
Study Guide for Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing
Philadelphia , WB Saunders . From McKinney , E.S. et al ( 2000 ) . Maternal - child nursing . Philadelphia , WB Saunders . 2-1 3-1 2-2 2-3 From Thibodeau , G.A. , Patton , K.T. ( 1999 ) . Anatomy do physiology ( 4th ed . ) .
Study Guide for Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 8th Edition
Corresponding to the chapters in Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 6th Edition, by Gloria Leifer, RN, MA, CNE, this study guide reinforces your understanding of essential concepts and skills.
Study Guide for Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 7e
... 364, 365t Developmental dental hygiene, 381b Developmental disabilities, 396-397, 641 Developmental disorders, ... 97-101, 713-725 care during labor, 101 classification of, 713-714, 713t complications during pregnancy, 100 diet ...
Designed to accompany Leifer's Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 5th Edition, this workbook will assist students in understanding and applying material from each chapter in the text.
The new edition of this practical text provides a solid and completely current foundation in obstetric and pediatric nursing. Retaining a systems format, it offers a strong emphasis on the...