Designed for portability, this clinical companion provides at-a-glance access to the information you need for more than 200 medical-surgical conditions and procedures. Completely updated content mirrors the revisions in the new 11th edition of Lewis’s main text: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. This clinical companion is organized alphabetically for quick reference and includes a variety of full-color illustrations, summary tables, and a handy reference appendix full of laboratory values, Spanish translations of key phrases, and other information commonly used in nursing practice. Consistent and practical information covers definitions and descriptions, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnostic studies, interprofessional care and drug therapy, and nursing management. Treatments and Procedures section summarizes the need-to-know content about common medical-surgical treatments and procedures such as basic life support, enteral nutrition, and artificial airway management. Handy reference appendix contains information commonly used in nursing practice, including laboratory values, commonly used formulas, Spanish translations of key phrases, and much more. Patient and caregiver teaching content is highlighted with a special icon to identify appropriate information to share with patients and caregivers about the care of various conditions. Cross-references to the Lewis main text identify how to access more in-depth information. Attractive four-color design makes it easy to locate specific information within the clinical companion. NEW! Updated content reflects the revisions and updates in Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition main text.
Master the essential medical-surgical nursing content you'll need for success on the Next Generation NCLEX(R) Exam (NGN) and safe clinical practice!
It includes Lewis' Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7th edition text and an electronic version of the textbook that allows students to search, highlight information, take notes, share notes and more.
Preceded by (work): Dirksen, Shannon Ruff. Clinical companion to Medical-surgical nursing. Title: Clinical companion to Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems / prepared by Debra Hagler, Sharon L. Lewis ...
NEW! Simplified and streamlined chapters make the book easier to use and information easier to find.
This edition features a unique focus on the concepts and exemplars found in the Ignatavicius textbook, along with updated content throughout that cross-references to the main text.
An individual study schedule reduces cognitive workload and helps you become a more effective learner by automatically guiding the learning and review process.
This pocket-sized book provides nurses and nursing students easy access to essential information needed when caring for patients with a variety of clinical problems in diverse settings.
Provides the need-to-know information for nurses, in an easy retrieval format for clinical settings, and includes approximately 200 medical surgical conditions and procedures.
"Cross-references to the Lewis main text identify how to access more in-depth information
Written in a reader-friendly, direct-address style, this handbook is a convenient quick reference that you can carry with you on clinical days.