Passing the HESI Admission Assessment Exam is the first step on the journey to becoming a successful healthcare professional. Be prepared to pass the exam with the most up-to-date HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review, 5th Edition! From the testing experts at HESI, this user-friendly guide walks you through the topics and question types found on admission exams, including: math, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and physics. The guide includes hundreds of sample questions as well as step-by-step explanations, illustrations, and comprehensive practice exams to help you review various subject areas and improve test-taking skills. Plus, the pre-test and post-test help identify your specific weak areas so study time can be focused where it’s needed most. HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips, as well as rationales, suggestions, examples, and reminders for specific topics. Step-by-step explanations and sample problems in the math section show you how to work through each and know how to answer. Sample questions in all sections prepare you for the questions you will find on the A2 Exam. A 25-question pre-test at the beginning of the text helps assess your areas of strength and weakness before using the text. A 50-question comprehensive post-test at the back of the text includes rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Easy-to-read format with consistent section features (introduction, key terms, chapter outline, and a bulleted summary) help you organize your review time and understand the information. NEW! Updated, thoroughly reviewed content helps you prepare to pass the HESI Admission Assessment Exam. NEW! Comprehensive practice exams with over 200 questions on the Evolve companion site help you become familiar with the types of test questions.
Passing your admission assessment exam is the first step on the journey to becoming a successful health professional - make sure you're prepared with "Admission Assessment Exam Review, 4th Edition" from the testing experts at HESI!
Resource added for the Nursing-Associate Degree 105431, Practical Nursing 315431, and Nursing Assistant 305431 programs.
With this Exampedia study guide, you will have everything you need to ace the test, get accepted into your dream program, and rack up scholarships that could save you thousands.."
Editors, Sandra Upchurch, Billie Sharp, et al.
The Best Review Four sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for Kaplan Review content organized along the test blueprints and identified by exam New topic-specific science chapters: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and ...
This includes time limits and registration details. Comprehensive Material: Our APEX Test Prep team compiles all the information that could be covered by your exam into this prep study guide.
You might think this is just another study guide. However, our healthcare test prep isn't like other study guides.
This book covers: Mathematics, Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Physics, and includes a FULL practice test!
This comprehensive study guide includes: Quick Overview Find out what's inside this guide! Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam! Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!
This practice test book includes: Quick Overview Find out what's inside this product! Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam! Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!