Dermatology: Visual Recognition and Case Reviews E-Book

Dermatology: Visual Recognition and Case Reviews E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Christine Ko


Ideal for dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and trainees of all levels, Dermatology: Visual Recognition and Case Reviews, 2nd Edition, presents classic visual clues that point you to the correct diagnosis – the key first step in effective management and care. This highly visual resource helps you hone your skills in visual recognition with a practical focus on images of clinical and histopathologic skin diseases rather than dense text. The unique format enhances your learning experience and offers clear examples of a successful framework that can be used when approaching a patient. Content organized by visual patterns (color, shape, pattern, and body part), maximizing your ability to recognize disease – the same way a patient would normally present in the clinic. High-quality clinical and microscopic images for nearly all entities, helping to enhance your diagnostic and clinicopathologic correlation skills. Key difference pages, enabling you to quickly compare and contrast different diseases in a given differential diagnosis that can look similar but are distinguishable. Newly reorganized, color-coded table of contents for quicker navigation. New flashcards online to test your ability to recognize diseases by visual presentation. Case reviews that provide clear examples of specific approaches to patient evaluation.

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