... MSN, CRNA Academic and Clinical Faculty School of Nurse Anesthesia Cleveland Clinic/Case Western Reserve University Staff Nurse Anesthetist Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Nicholas Curdt, ...
Certification Review for Nurse Anesthesia is based upon the content areas tested by the National Board of Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists. Question types include multiple choice, multiple response, and calculation.
Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesiology provides appropriate chemical, biological, and physical information of the actions, interactions, and reactions of medication, particularly as they apply and impact the practice of nurse anesthesia.
Nurse Anesthesia Secrets, part of the Nursing Secrets series, provides certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) and nurse anesthesia students with a comprehensive review of topics relevant to nurse anesthesia practice.
A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators
APRNs are essential to deliver healthcare in today’s complex environment.
... French • 5960 to 59100: 37 or 39 French • 59110 to 6940: 39 or 41 French • Pediatrics (.8 years): 26 or 28 (only available ... the DLT is rotated 90 degrees into the appropriate mainstem bronchus • Advanced to proper depth (see Fig.
On his reply of 5 hours, she continues to prepare for the case, including requesting a second x-ray gown (in addition to the x-ray gown and thyroid shield already in the room). As the case begins, she puts the two x-ray gowns on (one ...
This pocket guide addresses crucial clinical topics ranging from general information such as gas machine tanks and canisters, to specific information on what anesthetics produce histamine release and have analgesic properties, to emergency ...
Overweight and obese patients may self-prescribe “natural'' herbs and plant concoctions such as ma huang or diet teas that contain ephedra and unknown quantities of other stimulants. Surgical approaches designed to treat obesity can be ...