Stay up-to-date on the latest evidence and clinical practice in pediatric acute care with the definitive textbook in the field. Now in its second edition, Pediatric Acute Care: A Guide for Interprofessional Practice takes an evidence-based, interprofessional approach to pediatric acute care as it exemplifies the depth and diversity that’s needed for the dynamic healthcare environments in which acutely ill children receive care. Coverage includes how to work with the pediatric patient and family, major acute care disorders and their management, emergency preparedness, common acute care procedures, and much more. With contributions from more than 200 practicing clinicians and academic experts, it represents a wide variety of disciplines including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, child life, nutrition, law, integrative medicine, education, public health, and psychology, among others. The second edition also features the addition of new physician and nurse practitioner co-editors as well as extensive content updates including updated evidence-based content throughout the text, the integration of the 2016 IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, a new full-color design, and new vivid illustrations throughout. UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaborative approach includes contributions from more than 200 practicing clinicians and academic experts from the U.S. and Canada, including nursing, medicine, pharmacy, child life, nutrition, law, integrative medicine, education, public health, and psychology. Consistent organization within disorder chapters begins with a section on Physiology and continues with sections on Pathophysiology, Epidemiology and Etiology, Presentation, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnostic Studies, and a Plan of Care that include Therapeutic Management, Consultation, Patient and Family Education and Disposition and Discharge Planning. Comprehensive content spanning five units divides coverage into introductory information, the approach to the pediatric patient and family, major acute care disorders and their management, emergency preparedness, and common acute care procedures. NEW! Updated evidence-based content has been added throughout to ensure that you’re up-to-date on all topics needed to provide care for pediatric patients in acute, inpatient, emergency, transport, and critical care settings. NEW! Full-color design and illustrations enhance learning and make content easier to navigate and digest. NEW! Integration of the 2016 IPEC Core Competencies ensure that you’re learning the professional skills and protocols required for effective, contemporary interprofessional collaborative practice. UPDATED! Streamlined procedures unit focuses more sharply on need-to-know content.
For the (approximately) 26 programs in the United States offered to complete pediatric certification, this book is the only available certification review material for the exam.
Stage 2 bidirectional Glenn procedure. • Usually done between 4 and 6 months of age. • Provides reduced volume work on the single ventricle and a predictable Qp:Qs 0.6 to 0.7 with oxygen saturations of approximately 80%.
Cases in Pediatric Acute Care presents over 100 real-world pediatric acute care cases, each including a brief patient history, a detailed history of present illness, presenting signs and symptoms, vital signs, and physical examination ...
Cases in Pediatric Acute Care presents over 100 real-world pediatric acute care cases, each including a brief patient history, a detailed history of present illness, presenting signs and symptoms, vital signs, and physical examination ...
Using detailed, step-by-step guidelines, this comprehensive book covers procedures commonly performed by all nurses in pediatric critical care.
Pediatric delirium in critical illness: Phenomenology, clinical correlates and treatment response in 40 cases in the pediatric intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 2007;33:1033–40. 35. Stoddard FJ, Ronfeldt H, Kagan J, et al.
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, 21(4), 263–274. doi:10.1016/j.spen.2014.12.006 Abend, N. S., Topjian, A. A., Kessler, S. K., Gutierrez-Colina, A. M., Berg, R. A., Nadkarni, V., . . . Ichord, R. N. (2012). Outcome prediction by motor ...
This useful guide helps you anticipate life-threatening complications and recognize when to call appropriate services or transfer to a tertiary care center.
Portable and easy to use, Rogers’ Handbook of Pediatric Intensive Care, Fifth Edition, contains key information from the best-selling Rogers’ Textbook in a handy format designed for everyday use.
This volume provides an overview of the most important current controversies in the field of pediatric intensive care.