Now completely updated regarding the latest procedures, materials, devices, classification systems, and technologies, A Manual of Orthopaedic Terminology, 9th Edition, is an invaluable reference for anyone who needs access to the most up-to-date terms, acronyms, and codes related to clinical orthopaedics and research. This portable guide allows for quick searches both in print and online, categorizing and cross-referencing terms so that those unfamiliar with orthopaedics can locate a term in its proper context. Unlike a traditional A-Z dictionary format, terms are organized by topic?facilitating faster search results with related terms appearing on the same or immediately adjacent page. Contains extensive updates from cover to cover, including new terminology and acronyms in all areas of clinical orthopaedics and research. Organizes information by topic, helping you find related information quickly and easily. Presents basic science terms as they relate to clinically relevant issues, and clarifies terms used in injury and insurance claims with immediately neighboring relative terms. Features an extensive index, an appendix of ICD codes, clear writing and full-color illustrations, an appendix of acronyms, and tables clarifying disease processes--all designed to make information understandable and easily accessible to both the lay reader and the health care professional. Helps you stay abreast of the latest terminology with new terms provided by contributors who are orthopaedic researchers from across the country and whose expertise provides current information on terminology and procedures. Ideal for anyone needing a working knowledge of orthopaedic terminology--from the transcriptionist, insurance adjuster, or medical device salesperson to surgeons, radiologists, medical students, and those in physical and occupational therapy, operating rooms, general medicine, massage therapy, and much more.
Brief definitions to orthopedic terminology arranged topically in 12 chapters. Intended for nurses, secretaries, technicians, and physicians (particularly those in orthopedics). Updated and expanded edition that reflects current terminology. Miscellaneous...
Portable and easily accessible, this authoritative compilation categorizes and cross-references terms to enable those unfamiliar with orthopaedics to locate a term in its proper context.
This book is a complete guide to orthopaedics for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.
This quick-reference manual has been completely updated and revised to include content particularly valuable for orthopaedic physician assistants, while retaining key information for orthopaedic residents and nurse practitioners, primary ...
What is the current value of total ankle arthroplasty as a treatment option for degenerative joint disease of the ankle ? ... In Mizel MS , Miller RA , Scioli MW ( eds ) : Orthopaedic Knowledge Update : Foot and Ankle 2.
As with previous editions, this comprehensive handbook offers readers a clear and consistent description of the most common orthopedic conditions along with the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical ...
Along with detailed surgical techniques, you'll also find a wealth of guidelines on indications, choice of surgical approach, preoperative planning, and postoperative management. This is a book no orthopedic surgeon should be without.
A unique compendium of terms created in a dictionary format for professionals in orthopaedics. This easy-to-use format enables the reader to find particular names related to disease processes, radiographic techniques,...
Arcuate ligament is also known as Osborne's ligament/fascia and the cubital tunnel retinaculum. • See Forearm chapter for radial tunnel. Humerus Arcuate Arcade of Struthers Medial intermuscular septum Cubital tunnel Arcuate ligament.
This practical handbook covers the diagnosis and management of fractures in adults and children.