Master the principles and skills of respiratory care for neonates, infants, and children! Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 6th Edition provides a solid foundation in the assessment and treatment of respiratory disorders in children. Clear, full-color coverage simplifies the concepts of respiratory care while emphasizing clinical application. Reflecting the changing face of this profession, this edition unpacks care strategies with coverage of the newest treatment algorithms, interventions, mechanical ventilation technologies, and more. From an expert team of contributors led by Brian K. Walsh, an experienced respiratory therapist and researcher, this text is an excellent study tool for the NBRC’s Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty examination. Authoritative, evidence-based content covers all of the major topics of respiratory care for neonates, infants, and children, including both theory and application, with an emphasis on an entry-level BS degree. Nearly 500 full-color illustrations — plus clear tables and graphs — make it easier to understand key concepts. Case studies include a brief patient history and questions for each, showing how concepts apply to the more difficult areas of care for neonatal and pediatric disorders. Complete test preparation is provided through coverage of all the content in the matrix for the 2020 NBRC neonatal/pediatric specialty (NPS) credentialing exam. Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter break down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions. Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize the more important information in a bulleted format. Assessment Questions at the end of each chapter are written in the NBRC multiple-choice style as found on the Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty (NPS) exam, helping you become familiar with the NBRC testing format. Glossary makes it easy to find definitions of all of the book’s key terminology. Answers to assessment and case study questions are provided on the Evolve website. NEW! Logical, easy-to-use organization divides the content into three sections of 1) Neonatal, 2) Pediatrics, and 3) Neonatal and Pediatric combined, mirroring the academic approach of most respiratory care programs. NEW! Updated content reflects the new matrix for the 2020 NBRC Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty (NPS) exam. NEW! Assessment Questions at the end of each chapter are updated to reflect the changes to the 2020 NBRC exam. NEW! Additional treatment algorithms of care are added to relevant chapters.
A critical piece in respiratory care's total curriculum solution, this new edition includes all the changes in current clinical practice and in the education environment.
Each chapter provides the reader with a thorough review of the literature on the subject, and the text is written in a clear and concise manner. Illustrations, tables, and figures enhance the learning experience.
This book is especially appropriate for respiratory students enrolled in a Neonatal/Pediatric class, particularly during their Neonatal and Pediatric rotation; Respiratory Educators and Residents, within a pulmonary medicine residency; and ...
Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
This popular book covers the “how-to” of the respiratory care of newborns in outline format. It includes case studies for self-review and is illustrated with high quality radiographic images, figures, tables, and algorithms.
Student Resources online at DavisPlus--Redeem the Plus Code, inside new, printed texts, to gain access.
Throughout, the text is complemented by numerous illustrations and key information is clearly summarized in tables and lists, providing the reader with clear "take home messages".
JAMA 202:1070-1074, 1967. 3. Goldman AS, Goldman LR, Goldman DA: What caused the epidemic of Pneumocystis pneumonia in European premature infants in the mid-20th century? Pediatrics 115:e725-e736, 2005. 4. Hughes WT, Sanyal SK, ...
Topics unique to this book, such as care of parents and home care, are discussed in detail.
Pediatric and Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation