Learn clinical nursing skills and prepare for success on the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination! Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition provides clear, step-by-step guidelines to more than 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills. With more than 1,200 full-color illustrations, a nursing process framework, and a focus on evidence-based practice, this manual helps you learn to think critically, ask the right questions at the right time, and make timely decisions. New to this edition are NGN-style unfolding case studies, preparing you for the changes to the NCLEX exam. Written by respected nursing experts Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia A. Potter, Wendy Ostendorf, and Nancy Laplante, this trusted text is the bestselling nursing skills book on the market! Comprehensive coverage includes more than 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills and procedures. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style unfolding case studies include answers at the back of the book, providing optimal preparation for the Next Generation NCLEX Examination. Rationales for each step within skills explain the why as well as the how of each skill, and include citations from the current literature. Clinical Decision Points alert you to key steps that affect patient outcomes and help them modify care as needed to meet individual patient needs. Unique! Unexpected Outcomes and Related Interventions sections highlight what might go wrong and how to appropriately intervene. Clinical Debrief at the end of each chapter provides case-based review questions that focus on issues such as managing conflict, care prioritization, patient safety, and decision-making. More than 1,200 full-color photos and drawings make it easier to visualize concepts and procedures. Five–step nursing process format helps you apply the nursing process while learning each skill. Coverage of QSEN core competencies is incorporated into each lesson, including the areas of delegation and collaboration, reporting and recording, safety guidelines, and considerations relating to teaching, pediatric, geriatric, and home care. Unique! Using Evidence in Nursing Practice chapter covers the entire process of conducting research, including collecting, evaluating, and applying evidence from published research. F NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style unfolding case studies include answers at the back of the book, providing optimal preparation for the Next Generation NCLEX Examination.
This edition also includes new coverage of patient-centered care and safety guidelines, an enhanced emphasis on QSEN core competencies, and an expanded clinical focus with specialized clinical debriefs, teach-back, and sample documentation ...
This edition offers new up-to-date content and improved features, in addition to complete coverage of more than 200 nursing skills, and a nursing process framework for a logical and consistent presentation.
Abbas S: The use of metal or plastic needles in continuous subcutaneous infusion in a hospice setting, Am J Hosp Palliat Care ... Autio L, Olson KK: The four S's of wound management: staples, sutures, SteriStrips, and sticky stuff, ...
This book will be a quick reference tool for review of cognitive and technical knowledge and will assist students and practicing nurses to provide safe and effective healthcare.
The use of physical restraints is no longer a safe strategy, yet many nurses still believe that they are needed to control behavioral symptoms Video Clip and prevent falls in older adults with dementia (Evans and Cotter, 2008).
Covering 181 skills, this highly accessible manual conveniently groups all related skills together, so you can find information quickly.
Craven RF, Hirnle CJ, Jensen S: Fundamentals of nursing: Human health and function, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2012, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Johnson M, Moorehead S, Bulechek GM, et al.: NOC and NIC linkages to NANDA-I and clinical ...
Appropriate for all levels of nursing-from basic to advanced. This resource remains a comprehensive source of the essential information needed for success at all levels of nursing.
Filled with engaging learning tools that promote critical thinking, this new edition has been fully updated to reflect current medical and nursing practice and features visually enticing photos and illustrations that bring the information ...
The public health nurse is working with the county health department on a task force to fully integrate the goals of Healthy People 2020. ... Olson KI, et al: Cornerstones of public health nursing, Public Health Nurs 28(3):249, 2011.