Those working within the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) encounter potential ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. While some challenges can be anticipated and appropriately addressed before they become unmanageable, oftentimes behavior analysts are confronted with unforeseen and novel situations that require immediate, yet careful attention. It is impossible to anticipate and plan for every eventuality. A Workbook of Ethical Case Scenarios in Applied Behavior Analysis, Second Edition, presents more than 120 real-world case scenarios commonly faced by individuals practicing ABA. The examples range in difficulty and severity to address the unique challenges and needs of those teaching, practicing, or learning ABA through ethics-focused coursework or preparing for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) certification exam. In addition to case scenarios, the workbook provides detailed questions to facilitate discussion and critical thinking, offers suggestions related to the navigation of ethically precarious situations, and includes recommendations of ethics codes to consider in relation to each presented scenario. • Offers case scenarios addressing codes within the BACB®’s Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts • Presents detailed question prompts to facilitate discussion and critical thinking • Includes recommendations of ethics codes to consider and review in relation to each presented scenario • Offers suggestions on the navigation of ethical challenges • Discusses how to assess risk and devise ethically appropriate courses of action • Provides the entirety of the BACB® ethics code for quick access and reference
This how-to manual provides practical strategies for teaching learners to be focused, organized, flexible, and able to effectively manage themselves.
Mackintosh , N. ( 1974 ) . The psychology of animal learning . New York : Academic Press . MacMillan , D. L. ( 1982 ) . Mental retardation in school and society . Boston : Little , Brown . Maisto , M. A. , Galizio , R. , & Connoer ...
Incisive, interesting, eminently readable, and passionately argued, this book places responsibility for client well-being both on consumers--to raise questions--and on the professionals who claim to help them--to accurately answer them.
This book provides the foundation for a lifelong journey of ethical practice in service for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities.
This book shows readers how to follow the BACB guidelines in action. The authors first describe core ethical principles and then explain each guideline in detail, in easily comprehensible, everyday language.
This commitment to clearly addressing the complex issues associated with ASDs continues throughout the volume and provides opportunities for further research.
Abundant performance monitoring checklists and sample forms—conveniently downloadable—further reinforce knowledge. This book is also a useful resource for practicing behavior analysts guiding trainees under their supervision.
The book addresses the principles and values that underlie the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s® Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts and factors that affect ethical decision-making.
This singular volume models critical thinking and professional development in keeping with best practices and professional standards.
All science proceeds by progressively building on the work of others while remaining open to new discoveries and challenging existing conceptual frameworks. The same is true of culturo-behavior science.