International Management teaches the managerial process in a global context and illustrates how culture affects the managerial process. The second edition of International Management has been updated and revised to reflect the most recent research, laws, cases, examples and the pervasive impact of technology on global business to provide the most current perspectives of international management.
Written by an author with a truly international perspective – having gained both teaching and management experience in the US, UK and Asia. The author′s background in anthropology gives the book another unique approach.
This title reflects new and emerging developments influencing international managers.
As in previous editions of this popular text on cross-cultural management, students will find here an invaluable guide to key management theories, linked to practical examples from all round the world.
VISSER, W.; MATTEN, D.; POHL, M. (2007): The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility, Chichester, UK, Wiley&Sons. VOETH, M.; RABE, C. (2005): Internationale Joint Ventures - Grundsatzentscheidung, Ausgestaltung und Erfolgsfaktoren, ...
Integrating theory and practice across all chapter topics, this book helps students to learn, grasp, and apply the underlying principles of successful international management: Understanding the broad context of international business, ...
As depicted in Figure 1, it is useful to compare and contrast a global mindset (High D-High I situation) with two ... Until as recently as a decade ago, Swedish nationals constituted virtually the entire top management team of the ...
... University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire; Charles Byles, Virginia Commonwealth University; John E. Call, New Mexico State University; Mason A. Carpenter, University ofWisconsin–Madison; Norma Carr-Ruffino, San Francisco State University; ...
SouthChinaMorningPost, July 14,28;Cartledge, S. (2003). China's leaders ignoregraft at their peril. FinancialTimes, July7,13. 86. Pope,H.(2000). Corruptionstunts growthin exSovietstates. TheWallStreet Journal, July 5, A17;Galuszka, ...
Entrepreneurs, managers and technicians must develop a global view of the world in which they live and compete, and they must build confidence in their ability to compete successfully in the global marketplace.
The Elements of International Management The main international management topics such as international human resource management have their own courses, textbooks, and developments. International human resource management is the focus ...