Logan and Murphy are partners in a computer peripherals operation . Logan dies . Logan's widow calls Murphy and says , “ As Logan's heir , I'm entitled to take Logan's place as your partner . ” Murphy says , “ No , you're not .
While driving to deliver a part to a customer , Todd negligently damaged Kip's car . ... a person who owed Norm's business a great deal of money . b .
Principles of Contract Law, 5th Editionremains Australias premier text for students of contract law. The new edition has been significantly revised in light of recent developments. Paterson, Robertson & Duke at University of Melbourne.
The attenuated role of maintenance and champerty in relation to assignability was acknowledged by Lord Mustill in Giles v Thompson [1994] 1 AC 142 who spoke of them as maintaining a living presence in only two respects, ...
Introduction to Business Law
Written to work hand-in hand with THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY: BUSINESS IN ITS ETHICAL REGULATORY, E-COMMERCE, AND GLOBAL SETTING, 7th Edition, this user-friendly guide includes a wide variety of learning tools to help you master the key ...
First Principles of Business Law: Interactive Tutorials & Source Book
The First Principles of Business Law 10th edition textbook and eStudy modules provide a blended learning approach to teaching Level 1 Business Law students.
The First Principles of Business Law 2016 textbook and eStudy modules provide a blended learning approach to teaching Level 1 Business Law students.
First Principles of Business Law was previously published by CCH Australia.The First Principles of Business Law 2015 textbook and eStudy modules provide a blended learning approach to teaching Level 1 Business Law students.
Commercial Law