Managing Human Resources, the market leader in its field, retains its unique orientation to overall practicality and real-world application. Practical tips and suggestions provide effective ways of dealing with problems in communication, leadership, discipline, performance appraisal, and compensation administration.
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 7/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best sellingPersonnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides anauthoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field forstudents and professionals. new chapters reflect the ...
This revised edition is a comprehensive, authoritative set of essays. It is more detailed and analytical than the mainstream treatments of HRM.
"The 18th edition ... will place your students at the forefront of understanding how organizations can gain a sustainable competitive advantage through people."--Preface
The approach used in this text makes human resources relevant to anyone who has to deal with HR issues in the workplace, even those who do not hold the title of manager.
Managing Human Resource And Industrial Relations
MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES THROUGH STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS is a tightly integrated, higher-level text with strong organizing themes: strategy, teams, diversity, global issues, and change. These themes are highlighted in boxed features...
Managing Human Resources is for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This is the third edition of a book which has gained wide acceptance in universities and colleges for use on advanced courses in human resource management.
This text presents an HRM scenario in a number of South-East Asian and Pacific Rim countries and highlights the growth of personnel/HR function in these countries, their dominant HRM system, along with the influence of different factors on ...