This best-selling research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including...
This market-leading tax research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, FEDERAL TAX RESEARCH extensively covers computer-oriented research tools...
The authors provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage of relevant code and regulations, as well as all major developments in federal taxation. This market-leading text is intended for students who have had a previous course in tax.
Master today's current tax concepts and tax law with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2022: CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, ESTATES & TRUSTS, 46E and accompanying professional tax software.
Delivering the most thorough coverage available on individual and corporate taxation, the 2008 EDITION of WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: COMPREHENSIVE VOLUME is unquestionably the most effective text for helping students master complex and ever ...
The 2004 Edition of West Federal Taxation: Corporations, Parternships, Estates and Trusts.
... Ph.D. , CPA Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University D. Larry Crumbley Ph.D. , CPA Louisiana State University Gary A. McGill Ph.D. , CPA University of Florida William A. Raabe Ph.D. , CPA Ohio State University Steven C.
Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including CD-ROMs, the Internet and computerized databases.
Also included in this edition is coverage on international tax research, an expanded review of tax ethics, and real-life cases to help foster a true understanding of federal tax law.
Tax Research Techniques