West Federal Taxation 2005: Advanced Entities, Professional Version

West Federal Taxation 2005: Advanced Entities, Professional Version
West Federal Taxation 2005
South Western Educational Publishing
William A. Raabe, David M. Maloney, James E. Smith


Written by authors of the market leading West Federal Tax Series, the 2004 Edition of Advanced Taxation of Business Entities provides thorough and adequate coverage of all relevant codes and regulations, emphasizing the high-interest and multidisciplinary aspects of taxation for an advanced course. Designed with the AICPA model tax curriculum in mind, this text presents the advanced federal taxation course from a business entity perspective. It is ideal as a follow up to WFT: Taxation of Business Entities or a first course in taxation using the business entities approach. . The students taking this course are accounting or finance majors and do so to fulfill curriculum requirements. They are also likely to sit for the CPA or CFA Exams.

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