A market leader used by more colleges and universities than any other business law text, West's Business Law continues to set the standard for making classic black letter law accessible, interesting, and relevant to business students. This Tenth Edition refines and builds upon traditions established when the book was first introduced: authoritative content blended with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary topics and cases and an unmatched selection of innovative, high-quality support materials. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This interactive CD-ROM Edition is based on the best selling print version of West's Business Law, 9th Edition. This CD-ROM can be used as a stand alone item or in conjunction with the text.
West's Business Law: Text & Cases
Written with attention to quality and detail, and reviewed by top Business Law scholars, these books feature the content and expertise you expect from the leading publisher of legal education materials.
Study Guide to Accompany West's Business Law: Text & Cases, Legal, Ethical, International and E-commerce Environment, Tenth Edition
Such a result is exactly what the trademark laws were designed to protect against . ... For example , Apple Computer , should take prompt action by sending that company a Inc. , uses a rainbow - colored apple as a registered logo letter ...
Both acknowledged the desirability of a merger and agreed that an exchange of ROSENBLATT V. common stock would be the method of achieving that result . An engineer- GETTY OIL CO . ing firm , D & M , and several investment banking and ...
Based on the best-selling West's Business Law, this text maintains its most popular features and continues to offer flexibility for different teaching philosophies. While focusing on public law issues such...
Business Law Deskbook
West's Business and Personal Law
Study Guide to Accompany West's Business Law: Text & Cases ; Legal, Ethical, Regulatory, and International Environment, Sixth Edition, [by]...