Stephen M. Adler explains how corporations can pair with charitable causes to enhance their visibility, goodwill and sales in this brief, straightforward book that includes illuminating case studies. Adler is realistic about the purposes of corporate philanthropy. He argues that it should always make business sense. He shows that nonprofits also are thinking of survival and growth: They use their causes to drive contributions and keep themselves in business. getAbstract recommends this book to marketers who want an overview of how corporations and charities can work together - for their mutual benefit and for that of society.
L'international est, pour la majorité des entreprises, la panacée pour développer leurs marchés, mais aussi pour s'approvisionner.
La 4ème de couverture indique : "Cet ouvrage propose de penser la finance d'entreprise en images.
This volume, first published in 1844, contains a series of journals and letters written by Selwyn during his first two years in New Zealand.
Mathématiques financières et évaluation financière