Designed with the AICPA model tax curriculum in mind, this text presents the advanced federal taxation course from a business entity perspective.
This book from CCH provides a comprehensive single source for law, legal and procedural analysis, as well as useful compliance and planning tips. It's essential for CPAs, tax attorneys and corporate tax departments.
... I. Osterdahl, “The ECJ and Soft Law: Who's Afraid of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter?”, in Mtirth 2004, pp. 37-60, at p. 58. This Code of Conduct on public access to Commission and Council documents (93/730/EC; OJ 1993, ...
The LLC, S-Corp, or iCorp question is one of essential importance: Make the right decision, and you'll be paying less tax; you'll know your personal assets are protected from lawsuits against your business; and you might even save yourself ...
McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business Entities