The Tenth Edition of INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS AND ITS APPLICATION by Walter Nicholson of Amherst College and Christopher Snyderof Dartmouth College provides an exceptionally clear and concise introduction to the economic study of markets, focusing on managerialand algebraic approaches. The authors have sought the best possible and relevant applications, filling this edition with strong examplesand activities that allow students to learn by doing. Dr. Snyder, our new co-author on the text, lends his considerable expertise aboutGame Theory, Asymmetric Information, and Imperfect Markets to make this very successful text even more up-to-date and interesting.
... Davis Roger Sherman University of Virginia William F. Shughart II University of Mississippi Philip A. Smith DeKalb College V. Kerry Smith North Carolina State University Rudy Fichtenbaum Bruce C. Horning Wright State University ...
The Fifth Edition reflects critical developments in the field, including a new chapter on game theory (Chapter 14), expanded coverage of behavioral economics, and the latest data and applications.
This edition includes a number of new topics, updated examples, and improved exposition of existing materials.
For Principles of Microeconomics courses.
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
"; Hubbard/O'Brien answer this question by demonstrating that real businesses use economics to make real decisions daily.; This is motivating to all students, whether they are business majors or not.
Problems in Microeconomics: Interactive Computer Problems for Intermediate Microeconomics
Revised edition of the authors's Microeconomics, [2017]
The book draws students in using a conversational writing style and delivers content with a fresh, exciting approach that reflects the authors' blend of teaching, consulting, and entrepreneurial experiences.