West Federal Taxation 2008: Taxation of Business Entities

West Federal Taxation 2008: Taxation of Business Entities
West Federal Taxation 2008
West Legal Studies in Business
David Maloney, William Raabe, James Smith


Offering a wealth of resources, WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES, 2008 EDITION presents the introductory federal taxation course from a business entity perspective--emphasizing tax concepts and issues, not the details of tax rules. Packed with relevant, real-world examples, it equips students with a solid understanding of the Tax Code as well as hands-on experience putting it into practice. Accessible, thorough, and authoritative, WFT weaves an innovative tax planning framework throughout the text to effectively demonstrate the relevance of tax planning for businesses and individual taxpayers--making it easier than ever for students to understand the impact that careful tax planning has in today's marketplace. Recognizing the importance of applying tax rules in a business context, the book includes tax planning strategies--which are tied to the tax planning framework--in each chapter, illustrating the practical application of tax law and planning. It also pulls in material and concepts from other disciplines, highlighting the interrelationship of tax and economics, financial accounting, and finance, among others. Ensuring instructors are equipped with the best resources to prepare students for the CPA exam--and real-world practice--new copies of the text also include tax software bestseller TurboTax Business as well as a code good for 12 months of access to RIA Checkpoint Student Version. More than just a textbook, the market-leading WFT Series offers a revolutionary experience in and out of the classroom. Its total integrated solution delivers ultimate flexibility catering to the way you teach and the way your students learn. WFT: TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES is appropriate for the introductory federal taxation course and is designed with the AICPA Model Tax Curriculum in mind. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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