WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES, 2007 EDITION is accessible, comprehensive, and authoritative in its coverage of the Tax Code and regulations pertaining to the individual taxpayer.
[The book] is an abridged version of West's Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes and West's Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts .
It may also be taught at the graduate level and in the school of law. This market-dominating text provides the basis for the first course in federal taxation, focusing mainly on the taxation of individuals.
The 2008 EDITION of WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, ESTATES & TRUSTS remains the most effective text for helping students master the complex and ever-changing tax legislation.
Pkg: Instructor Edition-Wft Individual Income Taxes + Ria
This market-leading text is designed for the second course in federal taxation, generally found at four-year undergraduate and graduate schools.
Practice Set Solutions-Wft Individual Income Taxes
Updates and Forms Supplement-Wft Individual Income Taxes
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Individual Income Taxes, Professional Edition (with H&r Block CD-ROM)
Wft: Individual Income Taxes