With FEDERAL TAX RESEARCH, 8e, you will come to understand the latest techniques in tax research and the way this relates to the CPA exam. The eighth edition offers a new chapter on international tax research, an expanded review of tax ethics, and real-life cases to help you see the big picture of federal tax law. No other text can better prepare you on tax research procedures and multiple hands-on applications! Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This best-selling research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including...
This book addresses the various forums in which the researcher may be immersed, from the legislative history of a statute to determining how to ask the government for documents not...
The Eighth Edition features expanded coverage of electronic sources, both subscription-based (such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, Checkpoint, CCH IntelliConnect, and HeinOnline) and those available without charge (particularly those provided by the...
Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools including CD-ROMs, the Internet and computerized databases.
This market-leading tax research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, FEDERAL TAX RESEARCH extensively covers computer-oriented research tools...
The eighth edition offers a new chapter on international tax research, an expanded review of tax ethics, and real-life cases to help you see the big picture of federal tax law.
Also included in this edition is coverage on international tax research, an expanded review of tax ethics, and real-life cases to help foster a true understanding of federal tax law.
This edition explains how to use the latest versions of today's most popular online tax research tools, including Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, CCH IntelliConnect, and BNA Bloomberg.
Tax Research Techniques
Federal Tax Research