What students can learn from the interview is far beyond the reach of any textbook. Students who might previously have seen teachers and books as the only valid sources of information will enlarge their perspectives, seeking the experiences of family members, neighbors, peers, and people from all walks of life. When children know their own history and culture, they develop self-esteem; when they understand the history and culture of others, prejudice can be reduced. As Paula Rogovin characterizes it, the interview is a way of saying "I want to learn from you. Let's stop our busy lives for a moment and rejoice in that learning."
In this unique book, Rogovin shares proven techniques for tapping into this rich resource. She shows teachers how they can plan a curriculum based on the interview and develop their own schedules. Examples are offered showcasing how student interviews drive inquiry in social studies, writing, reading, science, math, and much more. And in case these ever expanding boundaries become too overwhelming, Rogovin suggests proven strategies to help students focus questions on topics of thematic study. Just as the themes for investigation grow, so does the students' confidence. Note taking becomes more detailed and specific, and students become more inventive, writing books that can be the focus of guided reading, creating poems, painting murals, acting in plays, or singing songs.
The interview has far-reaching implications. It can provide a fertile medium for inquiry-based learning . . . the perfect research tool . . . a meaningful way to introduce multiculturalism . . . a springboard for family and community involvement. Although Rogovin describes strategies used in her elementary classroom, the methods can easily be adapted by middle school teachers.
In W. F. Pinar & W. M. Reynolds ( Eds . ) , Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text ( pp . 17-27 ) . New York : Teachers College Press . Armstrong , T. ( 1998 ) . Awakening genius in 30 Chapter 1 References.
In D. Strickland & L. M. Morrow ( Eds . ) , Emerging literacy : Young children learn to read and write ( pp . 16–26 ) . GOODMAN , K. ( 1986 ) . What's whole in whole language . Portsmouth , NH : : Heinemann . GOODMAN , K. ( 1991 ) .
Miller , W. , and Ervin S. 1964. The development of grammar in child language . In U. Bellugi and R. W. Brown ( Eds . ) ... Olson , D. 1968. Language acquisition and cognitive development . Paper presented at the International ...
... 171, 180-81 Estes, Eleanor, 75 Ethnic groups, 79-82 Everett Anderson 's Christmas Coming, 58, 81 Everett Anderson's Goodbye, 81, 123 Everett Anderson 's Nine Month Long, 58,71, 81 Everett Anderson's Year, 39 Everybody Needs a Rock, ...
In this book, a roundtable of representatives from government, universities, medicine, and family support agencies identifies a set of research possibilities to generate a broader understanding of the effects of Head Start on families and ...
挪威,一個經常將報紙頭版讓位給親職新聞的王國,有著良善的育兒福利。新生兒不僅享有出生補助和每月生活津貼,醫療就診費用也全數由國家買單。為了培養兒童健康的學習態度,挪威採行「快樂童年」的教育政策。雖與「贏在起跑點」的慣行教育背道而馳,但在聯合國教科文組織的學生平均素質評鑑上,挪威的學生卻常名列前茅。 作者李濠仲在女兒娜拉出生後,一步步學習當父母。並從挪威重視兒童與教養過程中發現:在看似「放任」的教育方式、重視獨立人格養成的背後,挪威教育理念所具備的寬闊眼光和心胸。於是他開始設想,如果娜拉真的在挪威長大,從嬰兒、幼稚園、基礎教育到成年,會是如何的成長過程。 作者簡介 李濠仲 一九七六年生,文化大學新聞系畢業,曾為《新新聞周報》《聯合晚報》政治組記者,二○○九年辭去記者工作,隨任職於外交部的妻子遠赴挪威,於異國開始從事寫作。二○一五年夏天返台。持續透過閱讀、觀察、採訪,延續記者工作未盡之事。著有《挪威縮影:奧斯陸觀察筆記》《挪威,綠色驚嘆號!》《安然無恙不比遺憾好》《北歐超完美丈夫的秘密》《小國的靈魂》《挪威人教我,比工作更重要的事》等書。
John A. Van de Walle has written a book that helps readers make sense of mathematics and become confident in their ability to teach mathematics to children K to 8....
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