Authoritative. Comprehensive. Definitive.
Reading Process and Practice, since its original publication in 1988, has helped countless preservice and practicing teachers better understand the reading process and translate it into classroom practice-so much so that the book has become the essential guide for teachers. Now, internationally recognized researcher and educator Constance Weaver has thoroughly updated her book. Clarifying theory with explanations and examples, as always, Weaver incorporates especially timely information-accurate data, informed critique, and results of often-ignored research-to help teachers counteract government and corporate intrusion into classrooms. Effective instruction stems from a sensitive, informed response to students' needs; the aim of this book is to help teachers achieve that goal.
To that end, Weaver has written five new chapters on assessing and helping readers-enough information to do miscue analysis successfully, to develop a reader profile, and to carry out instructional support for individual readers. To make the book accessible to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to new and veteran teachers, she has included definitions and concepts that are repeated throughout the book to provide multiple entry points into key understandings and issues. A new chapter describes what a comprehensive literacy program might include and how it might be structured, while practical chapters flesh out specific components of such a program. Finally, the book is designed so that teachers and teacher educators can cluster chapters in alternative orderings, depending upon the literacy programs in which they teach or the nature of the courses they are teaching.
And there's another new and special addition. An associated website contains an extensive bibliography compiled and annotated by first-grade teacher Catherine Compton-Lilly. Numerous sections cover topics that range from being a teacher, choosing books for children, and working with parents to teaching reading in elementary, middle, and high school. Purchasers of the book can download this information-and more-for free at
Now focused on the reading process. The Brief Edition of Constance Weaver's classic Reading Process & Practice begins with the seemingly simple question "What is reading, anyway? What is the essence of the reading process itself?
Psycholinguistics and Reading: From Process to Practice
This text provides a whole language approach to teaching reading to elementary school students.
Finally, the book proposes specific research topics, and detailed advice on how to construct tests of language for academic purposes and suggestions for further research.
... 188 Morris , Joyce , 555 Morrison , Cayce , 505 Morrissett , Irving , 417 Morse , William , 650 Mosenthal , Peter , 338 Mossman , Bruce , 201 , 225 Mueser , Anne , 292 , 650 Muessig , Raymond , 411 , 417 Muir , Sharon , 383 Mukerji ...
Reading Process and Practice for Strategies of Critical Thinking and Discussing Context
Several aspects of the nature of skilled reading processes are discussed, including: (a) whether discourse processing is controlled in a “bottom-up” or “top-down” manner; (b) whether meaning is accessed directly from the graphic display ...
Reading Process and Practice for Understanding , Creative Thinking and Discussing Context
An innovative resource for literacy teachers,Teaching the Struggling Reader takes a novel approach to instruction--the reading program is based on the needs of the struggling reader, rather than the other...
Reading Process and Practice for Social Context