The soul of any theatrical production springs from the collaboration of director and actors. To learn to coach a good performance, however-and to accept such coaching-is a fine and delicate art, not merely a matter of imposition of will. Now Mandy Rees and John Staniunas offer a set of strategies to help directors and actors work together more effectively, from starting the first rehearsals to maintaining a long-running show.
The authors concentrate on the production process, an ideal bridge between classroom training and theatrical experience for both director and actor. Their specific focus is the use of notes. Directors communicate to actors through notes, and actors use those notes to shape their performances-a process commonly used but rarely documented. The major portion of the book consists of 65 notes, both beginning and advanced, that a director might communicate to an actor during the rehearsal process. Arranged by category-from structuring the scene and achieving vocal clarity to maintaining pace, flow, and believability-these notes can be read from cover to cover or selected individually depending on the problem at hand. An extensive interview section shows how different directors and actors approach common problems and offers practical advice about note giving and taking.
For directors, this book can help with methods of coaching and communicating with actors. For actors, this book can help clarify, interpret, and address notes from a director. For both directors and actors, this book is a handy reference guide to help improve and refine their crafts.
4.21.65 ABC Owen Marshall , Counselor at Law ep Warlock at Mach 3 ; 1.16.72 ABC The FBI ep A Game of Chess 11.5.72 ABC NABORS , JIM Andy Griffith Show ep The Bank Job 12.24.62 CBS Andy Griffith Show ep Man in a Hurry 1.14.63 CBS Andy ...
After the inquest , Holmes speaks with Inspector Lanner and Miss Turner . Lanner sees no hope for McCarthy , but Holmes thinks differently . He quizzes Miss Turner on her relationship with McCarthy , and she reveals they had hoped to ...
.傳承了斯坦尼、邁斯納、烏塔哈根體驗派表演方法,跟好萊塢金牌表演教練學習掌握情感的技藝。 .查伯克表演法同時也是嚴格的、循序漸進的、詳盡的劇本分析體系。 ...
Acting: In Person and In Style, fifth edition is designed to serve the beginning, intermediate, and advanced acting student.
Actors' Television Credits: Supplement I
sBuy this book It is a clever mix of fresh and wildly inventive monologues. The casting call will never be the same. Producers rejoice Laughter and joy return to the...
Not long after Benedetti left a long academic career to become an award-winning film and television producer, he realized that he and other acting instructors had been neglecting their students...
Published in 1969 and in print ever since, this was the first specialist collection of tongue twisters and is still a great tool for warming up and improving general articulation.
Acting Professionally: Raw Facts about Careers in Acting
Acting Professionally; Raw Facts about Acting and the Acting Industries