This second edition, chock-full of new information and ideas, leaves teachers even more eager to implement an inquiry-based science curriculum.
This fascinating book harnesses children’s innate curiosity to explore some of Leonardo’s favorite subjects, including flight, motion, technology design, perspective, and astronomy.
What you will learnFind out the key differences between supervised and unsupervised learningManipulate and analyze data using scikit-learn and pandas librariesLearn about different algorithms such as regression, classification, and ...
Following Leonardo’s example, this fascinating book harnesses children’s innate curiosity to explore the foundational elements of art—color, shadow and light, lines and patterns, forms and structures, and optics and special ...
The Data Science Workshop, Second Edition, begins by introducing different types of projects and showing you how to incorporate machine learning algorithms in them. You'll learn to select a relevant metric and even assess the ...
Science Workshop Series: Biology
Adolescence is a time when youth make decisions, both good and bad, that have consequences for the rest of their lives. Some of these decisions put them at risk of lifelong health problems, injury, or death.
Woodcock disagreed, suggesting that if a new technology is introduced with explicit instructions for its use, the health care system will apply it. As an example, she pointed to the experience with abacavir (see Chapter 6).
An ad-hoc Outreach Committee was established to consider the key messages to be communicated to the science community and the public regarding the workshop outcome. The workshop was also open to the science community and the public.
It has an important role to play in everything from app development to network security. Taking an interactive approach to learning the fundamentals, this book is ideal for beginners.
This program presents science concepts in areas of biology, earth science, chemistry, and physical science in a logical, easy-to-follow design that challenges without overwhelming. This flexible program consists of 12...