This book is designed with the problems of pedagogy in mind. The materials are arranged to assist students to appreciate the relationships underlying various administrative-law doctrines. The materials also are intended to reveal the historical origins of those doctrines and their developments over time. With this new edition, Administrative Law, Cases and Materials, continues to present the complex substance of administrative law in a format that is both intellectually satisfying and easily understandable. In addition to carefully examining current law, students will become familiar with the relevant historical perspectives so necessary to appreciate the dynamics of today's law. They will become familiar with the so-called progressive movement and its regulatory offspring, the independent agency, with the New Deal regulatory agenda, with the post-World War II consensus embodying the Administrative Procedure Act, with the problem of capture, with aggressive modes of judicial review in response, with the problem ossification of rule-making, and with an array of judicial reinterpretations of settled precedents. This focus on doctrinal coherence and historical background provides a rich intellectual experience.
This new book provides a comprehensive introduction to American law governing the administrative and regulatory activities of public agencies.
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
With Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, Philip Hamburger answers this question in the affirmative, offering a revisionist account of administrative law.
This book offers a comparative introduction, by editors and native authors, to the most important aspects of administrative law in various EU Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom), at the level of the ...
This book provides an in-depth treatment of the basic principles that govern federal administrative action. The Third Edition retains the prior editions' strong doctrinal orientation, straightforward organization and presentation, historical...
Questions inspired by Bloom’s Taxonomy that focus instead on testing, reinforcing, and extending students’ understanding of the administrative law and concepts featured throughout the book.
This concise text examines the everyday challenges of administrative responsibilities and provides students with a way to understand and manage the complicated mission that is governance.
Administrative Law, the American Public Law System: Cases and Materials
Softbound - New, softbound print book.