International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice

International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice
International Trade Law
Raj Bhala


International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice has been completely revised in its Third Edition, building upon the global successes of its two predecessor editions. Truly a "world law" Textbook applicable in any of the approximately 152 WTO countries, the Third Edition places much emphasis on coverage of developing and least developed countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, highlighting the significance of their demographics, politics, culture, and economic dynamism. Europe and the high-profile trade disputes between the United States and the European Union is another chief focal point of this distinctively comprehensive book. Notably, the Textbook avoids two pitfalls: an American-centric approach, and the suggestion that international trade law is only about the WTO. The Textbook contains 50 Chapters dedicated to all aspects of the field, from ancient and medieval views about the morality of trade to the mysteries of adjustments to Constructed Export Price in a dumping margin calculation. The Textbook covers fully the Doha Round and the new, post-9/11 trade security rules. It includes 6 Chapters on free trade agreements (FTAs), 2 Chapters each on agriculture, services, and intellectual property (IP), and plenty of excerpts from key WTO and U.S. court cases. Overall, the Textbook is both a tour de force and user friendly. Not surprisingly, the Textbook has been used at roughly 100 law schools around the world, and translated into Vietnamese. Each chapter is manageably-sized and offers a user-friendly structure, allowing the flexibility of choosing the chapters that best serve the needs of a professor's individual course. The topics in each chapter help students establish a fundamental foundation upon which to build their knowledge of international trade law. Useful notes appear throughout the text, carefully constructed and organized to guide and challenge students, without abandoning them to trying to play "find-the-ball" on their own, piecemeal. The author sets forth five clear and fundamental themes in the preface which resonate throughout the text, providing not only coherence and integration, but also the passion that will ensure lively classroom discussion and debate. The author covers hot topics, such as protectionism, regionalization, labor, the environment, and sanctions, from both a practical and theoretical standpoint. Interesting and substantive interdisciplinary readings provide further penetration of a subject on not only the economics of international trade law, but on perspectives brought to the field by political scientists, international relations specialists, and philosophers.

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