An injured goose rescued by Babushka, having broken the painted eggs intended for the Easter Festival in Moscva, lays thirteen marvelously colored eggs to replace them, then leaves behind one final miracle in egg form before returning to her own kind.
Kathleen Duey, Nesak International. After they had eaten candy , and traded a few more eggs , Peter's mother went to the door . “ It's getting dusky outside , ” she said . “ Peter ? Take a lantern and go find Flopsey , please .
Just when he finishes decorating his first Easter Egg, Little Bunny is taken by surprise when a little chick cracks through its shell and peeks out in a sparkling, egg-shaped book.
Ballerina Bunny's Easter Egg Hunt
Everyone loves the beautiful paintings done by playful little rabbit Orson Abbott.
The story of the year a gang of forest animals stole the bunnies' paint so they could not paint their Easter eggs.
Winnie the Pooh discovers a giant colored egg, and he and his friends try to make it feel at home by coloring themselves to look like it.
Hare plans a special celebration for Guy Fawkes Day with the traditional bonfire and fireworks.
Bugs Bunny finds a condor egg during the egg hunt.