A young pioneer girl and her family celebrate Christmas in their cabin in the Wisconsin woods.
Long ago, a little girl named Laura Ingalls lived in a little house in the Big Woods of Wisconsin with her Pa, her Ma, her sisters, Mary and Carrie, and...
Soon there was frost on the windows and snow on the ground, but Laura and her folks were warm and cozy in their snug little house in the Big Woods. Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books have been cherished by generations of readers.
Laura helps Ma and Pa make the little log cabin snug and cozy for the snowy days ahead. 1994 "Pick of the Lists" (ABA)
The warm days of summer have arrived, and that means Laura gets to spend fun-filled days outdoors! The winter is finally over, and now it is summertime! Laura and Mary are busy all day helping Ma in the garden and playing outside.
Originally published over twenty years ago, and out of print since 1998, Sleeping Bear Press is proud to bring this beloved Christmas tale to a whole new audience.
He breathed it out in clouds and it froze in white frost on his mustache and beard. When he came in, stamping the snow from his boots, and caught Laura up in a bear's hug against his cold, big coat, his mustache was beaded with little ...
In Christmas Stories, join Laura and her family for some pioneer Christmas celebrations. Christmas on the frontier means visits from friends, good things to eat, and presents!
The cheerful, busy family that prepared the delectable meal in "Feast for 10" now gets ready for Christmas.
A tale about a pioneering Canadian family who, having prepared a feast for Christmas, awaits relatives from far away provides a framework for information on period holiday celebrations, with songs, crafts, games, and activities.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion provides brief introductions to each Little House book, chapter-by-chapter story guides, and "Fact or Fiction" sidebars, plus 75 activities, crafts, and recipes that encourage kids to "Live Like Laura" ...