From Anecdote to Experiment in Psychical Research
REMARKABLE DISCLOSURES OF DOYLE -- In this profusely illustrated work, the reader will examine a collection of Spirit Photos which "Holmes" accepted as being legitimate.
O oyle and Robinson slugged it out for seven rounds . Both men took a lot of punishment . but Doyle was weakening . In the eighth round Robinson saw an opening and dazed Doyle with a DOUBLE RIGHT to the stomach and head .
Your Super, Natural Mind
( Omar V. Garrison , The Encyclopaedia of Prophecy , pp.77-78 ; Herbert B. Greenhouse , Premonitions : A Leap Into the ... When Brandt's photographs were developed - he had kept on shooting throughout the air raid - they showed nothing ...
MIND POWER A Berkley / Reader's Digest Book , published by arrangement with Reader's Digest Press PRINTING HISTORY ... 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 by the Reader's Digest Association , Inc. This book may not be reproduced in ...
A look at various case histories involving paranormal activity. The book includes photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts of a number of bizarre events.
Communication with the Dead
As striking a case in point as has come to my knowledge is afforded by the singular experience of an old friend of mine, Edward Jackson, son of the late General Jackson, of Bideford, England. Born in India, Jackson was from his boyhood ...
心靈筆記本: 一隻進入"發現自我新世界"的鑰匙