Your paper round will never seem as bad again!The Worst Jobs in History takes you back to the days when being a kid was no excuse for getting out of hard labour. This book tells the stories of all the children whose work fed the nation, kept trains running, and put clothes on everyone's backs, over the last few hundred years of Britain's history. No longer will you have to listen to your parents, grandparents, uncles, neighbours, and random old people in the Co-op telling you how much harder they had it in their day. Next time you find yourself in that situation, ask them if they were a jigger-turner or a turnip-picker in their young day. No? An orderly boy, perhaps? A stepper? Maybe they spent their weekends making matchboxes? Still no? Then they have no idea about the real meaning of hard work. With profiles and testimonies of real kids in rotten jobs, this book will tell you things you probably didn't want to know about the back-breaking, puke-inducing reality of being a child in the past.
Tony Robinson takes you on a guided tour through all the lousiest places for a kid to work. With profiles and testimonies of real kids in rotten jobs, this title will tell you things you probably didn't want to know.
No existe otro ser menos visible en la historia latinoamericana que el niño.
解放兒童: 一個12歲男孩的覺醒與行動
Social welfare problems.
An Estimated 246 Million Children Are Engaged In Child Labour.
A study of textile employment for women and girls in 19th-century England. Evidence concerning employment and family patterns is used to trace the paternalistic practices of employers which helped to forge a male labour aristocracy.
Describes the conditions and treatment that drove workers, including many children, to various strikes, from the mill workers strikes in 1828 and 1836 and the coal strikes at the turn of the century to the work of Mother Jones on behalf of ...
Race to the Bottom: Work Around the World