For many people, Clive James will always be a TV presenter first and foremost, and a writer second - this despite the fact that his adventures with the written word took place before, during and after his time on the small screen. Nevertheless, for those who remember clips of Japanese endurance gameshows and Egyptian soap operas, Clive James reinventing the news or interviewing Hefner and Hepburn, Polanski and Pavarotti, his Postcards from Kenya, Shanghai and Dallas, or Clive James Racing Driver, his rightful place does seem to be right there - on the box, in our homes, and almost one of the family. However you think of him, though, and whatever you remember him for, The Blaze of Obscurity is perhaps his most brilliant book yet. Part Clive James on TV and part Clive James on TV, it tells the inside story of his years in television, shows Clive James on top form both then and now, and proves - once and for all - that he has a way with words... whatever the medium.
Reproduction of E W Cole's famous TFunny Picture Book', first published in 1879, contains myriad of puzzles, exercises, poems, stories and amusing illustrations.
The man who rode the Bull through Wagga WELL - KNOWN WRITER , Alan Marshall , recently put forward what looks like the solution to a mystery that has long puzzled many of us — Who was the man who rode the white bull through Wagga ?
Ren's Complete Guide to Translating Student Report Card Bull****
Be it politics, age, vegans, relatives, Australian, lawyers, accountants, car salesmen, and, yes, even sex, this book has a joke or an insult for everyone.
The Eskimo Diet
Have you heard the one about . . . If not, you're sure to find it (and many more) in this collection of popular jokes, particularly if you don't mind if it's occasionally sexist, ageist, blondest or politically incorrect.
488 Rules for Life is Kitty Flanagan's way of making the world a more pleasant place to live.
What started as a joke on Kitty Flanagan's popular segment on ABC TV's The Weekly, is now a quintessential reference book with the power to change society. (Or, at least, make it a bit less irritating.) What people are (Kitty Flanagan is) ...
The Dinkum Aussie Dictionary