Which Witch? is a brilliantly witty tale of magic and marriage by Eva Ibbotson, shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal. 'Find me a witch!' cried Arriman the Awful, feared Wizard of the North. Arriman has decided to marry. His wife must be a witch of the darkest powers – but which witch will she be? To find the most fiendish, he holds a spell-casting competition. Glamorous Madame Olympia performs the terrifying Symphony of Death and conjures up a thousand plague-bearing rats. The magic of gentle Belladonna, the white witch, goes hopelessly wrong. She produces perfumed flowers instead of snakes. And bats roost in her golden hair instead of becoming blood-sucking vampires. Poor Belladonna longs to be an evil enchantress – but how? 'This kind of fun will never fail to delight' - Philip Pullman.
A Zestful Adventure, perfect for fans of Harry Potter.
Deciding that he must sire a child to carry on his tradition of Loathing Light and Blighting the Beautiful, the Great Wizard Arriman annouces a competition among the witches of Todcaster, one of whom will mary him.
Trick-or-treat!? It's Halloween on Sesame Street! Zoe and her friends all dress up as witches so that no one will be able to tell which witch is which!
Rhyming text and illustrations present an assortment of witches in silly situations.
The Path of the Witch is a practical and authentic guide to the different paths of witchcraft by Lidia Pradas Sala, creator of the hugely popular Instagram handle Wiccan Tips.
Four identical sisters are prophesied to hold the fate of the entire world in their powerful hands. Moira, a water witch; Claire, a fire witch; Aerin, an air witch and Tierra, an earth witch.
It's double-trouble on Magic Mountain when Matilda Broomstick is zapped by a wayward spell that gives her an identical twin. No one can tell which witch is which.
In this spellbinding graphic novel debut, Emma Steinkellner spins a story packed with humor and heart about the weird and wonderful adventures of a witch-in-progress.
Traces the story of San Francisco in the latter half of the twentieth century, covering topics ranging from the civil rights movement and pop culture to the 49ers and famous crime cases.
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Club—now an original Netflix series!