The major presentations of seven post-war directors are examined in detail, with emphasis on each individual's treatment of classic plays, approach to acting techniques and opinion of theatre's ongoing role and function in the second half of the 20th century.
Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know
文化硏究: 理論與實踐
Poellner, Peter (2012), “Aestheticist Ethics,” in Nietzsche, Naturalism and Normativity, in Janaway and Robertson (eds.) (Oxford University Press). Prescott-Couch, Alexander (2014), “Williams and Nietzsche on the Significance of History ...
"Gardner's is not a 'how-to-do-it' book for the conduct of modern society.
Modem Diasporas in International Politics, Londres, Croom Helm, 1986, p. 16. W. Safran, « Diasporas in Modem Societies... », p. 83-84. R. Cohen, « Diaspora and the Nation-State », in International Affairs, 72, 3 (1996), p.
Morris. and. George. Orwell. Anna Vaninskaya, University of Denver Recent scholarship on nineteenth and twentieth century British working-class writing has uncovered and charted an entire literary subcontinent, yet it has not concerned ...
Martine Grinberg, «La culture populaire comme enjeu: rituels et pouvoirs (x1v°xvn' siècles)», Culture et idéologie dans la genèse de l'État moderne, Rome, École française de Rome, 1985, p. 381-392. Alain Guéry,
Enoch Powell, the central figure in the rise of the New Right, managed to unite its different strands and provided a serious challenge to the more liberal Conservatives, such as Edward Heath.13 As early as the 1950s Powell was committed ...
WOJCIECH SUCHOCKI ; laboratory ; library of 47,000 vols ; Dir Doc . Dr publs Studia Muzealne ( annually ) , Monohab . RYSZARD GRYGIEL ; publ . Prace i Materiały graphs . Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego ( archaeology ...
But Weber was also bent on proving the one - sidedness of any exclusively economic interpretation . Weber made his case by first noting that the economic conditions Marx said were necessary for capitalist development existed in Catholic ...