23 Leonard Mosley , The Last Days of the British Raj , London , 1961 , pp . 162–5 tells the story and on p . 163 assesses the weight of the material destroyed . In the Preface he states that he put questions to Sir Conrad Corfield ...
23 Leonard Mosley , The Last Days of the British Raj , London , 1961 , pp . 162–5 tells the story and on p . 163 assesses the weight of the material destroyed . In the Preface he states that he put questions to Sir Conrad Corfield ...
The Commonwealth Experience: From British to multiracial Commonwealth
Theme and treatment remain, but in this new edition the text has been revised throughout and parts of if rewritten in the light of reinterpretations, the disclosure of new evidence and further reflection.
Evaluating Policy Advice: Learning from the Commonwealth Experience
Written by a senior Indian diplomat who has until recently also served as Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General, this book provides a unique and far-reaching exploration of the British Commonwealth, and its impact since the second World War ...
The Keystone State, so nicknamed because it was geographically situated in the middle of the thirteen original colonies and played a crucial role in the founding of the United States,...
The case studies were commissioned by the Commonwealth Foundation to expand the debate on essential service delivery and inform policy and practice with examples from experience.
In The Empire's New Clothes, Murphy strips away the gilded self-image of the Commonwealth to reveal an irrelevant institution afflicted by imperial amnesia.
But in the greater scheme of things , these were not overwhelming differences . The distance from market over bad roads limited the commercial opportunities of the wealthier households ; and a diversified agriculture , as against a ...
The book is a seminal departure from the existing literature in the area of public sector reform, which largely concentrates on the individual experience of the developed countries.