Presents examples to document how he dealt with the author's complex sentences , visual images , and character's titles . 305 . Lilienfeld , Jane . " ' The Gift of a China Inkpot ' : Violet Dickinson , Virginia Woolf , Elizabeth Gaskell ...
'1 For instance in Janet Todd, The Secret Life (1prth Behn (London: André Deutsch, 1996), 373. 12“Aphra Behn: The Politics of ... 15 “Only the people who avoid inspiring us with jealousy are worthy our jealousy” (my translation).
Reproduced in George Bixby , “ Blurbs : Welty on Elizabeth Taylor , ” Eudora Welty Newsletter , 2 ( Summer 1978 ) , 5–7 . ' Her sensitivity of spirit , excellence of mind , subtlety and wit of perception ... are unlike anyone else's .
Parker shows the struggle with confusion and wonder about things Bishop can never make quiet or clear - about sexuality, politics, tbe burdens of imagination, the fate of the self.
D.9 Gartner , Carol B. " Three Ednas . " KCN 1.3 ( 1975-76 ) : 11-20 . LOC : PS1294 C63 Z7 Gartner compares Edna of The Awakening to Edward L. Wheeler's Edna in " The American Wild Edna ” of Old Avalanche and The Great Annihilator : Or ...
The last trap had snared a beaver . A beaver with its excellent pelt and nutritious flesh . The sight of this larger animal hanging upside down disturbed her . She strode to it quickly , anxious to have the deed done .
Peter Wolfe. manifestations of God's will ” ( 98 ) . The mind orders , interprets , and evaluates the data our ... however vital it is to William James's brand of pragmatism , “ a rational system for measuring happiness ” ( 154 ) .
The Literary Vision of Gabrielle Roy: An Analysis of Her Works
In the Name of the Bee: The Significance of Emily Dickinson