In many industrial companies, strategic developments are predominantly based on corporate marketing decisions with manufacturing being forced to react to these at the back end of the process. In Manufacturing Strategy, Terry Hill sets out to show how decisions over manufacturing should form part of the strategic direction of the company as a whole. Based on the first edition, the book has been updated with new material and new case studies including the service elements of manufacturing that reflect the author's ongoing programme of consultancy and research in this field.
The equipmentpaced line flow system produces several products or one product with several options on the same production line , while the continuous flow production system produces only one product on a production line .
International Manufacturing Strategies: Context, Content and Change is the result of a single major research project undertaken in twenty countries, focusing on the manufacturing strategies and practices in each, and uses research data to ...
Manufacturing Strategy
Build-to-order & Mass Customization: The Ultimate Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing Strategy for Low-cost On-demand Production Without Forecasts Or...
Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade Proceedings of the Joint industry University Conference on Manufacturing Strategy Held...
Manufacturing Strategy: Text and Cases
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
A whole array of initiatives, such as FMS, JIT, TQM, CIM, and MRP II, have been introduced. This book deals with the far-reaching significance of these new approaches - collectively labelled "new wave manufacturing".
This volume is concerned with the nature of new manufacturing technologies, such as CAD/CAM and robotics, as well as ap propriate methodologies for evaluating whether such technologies are financially and organizationally viable in ...
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Paula Cronin , of M.I.T. MANAGEMENT , who contributed her piece on the Leaders in Manufacturing Program , to Dean Lester Thurow and Professor Don Rosenfield of the M.I.T. Sloan School , and to Paul Tsongas for ...