The period from Copernicus to Newton witnessed a Scientific Revolution which eventually led to modern science and both built upon and sharply challenged the earlier natural philosophies of the classical world. Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Primary Sources Readeroffers a fascinating picture of the world of the scientific revolution through the eyes of those involved. This selection of primary sources is geographically inclusive, including often-neglected areas such as Spain, Scandinavia and central-eastern Europe, and thematically wide-ranging, illustrating early modern Europe's interplay of social, cultural and intellectual traditions. A key resource for all students and teachers of the history of science, Malcolm Oster's masterly collection offers an introduction to the conceptual and institutional foundations of modern science. This volume can be used alongside or independently of its companion volume, Science in Europe: 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader (also edited by Malcolm Oster).
Secondary Sources Anthology
It includes the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions. This book is designed to be of interest to Open Universty undergraduates specializing in arts and science or as a background book for teachers of science or students of history.
Science in Europe 1500-1800: A primary sources anthology
Bringing together international scholars, this volume provides a pan-European and interdisciplinary overview on the topic. Each essay offers significant new interpretations of the role played by secrets in their area of specialization.
Religion and Science in Europe, 1650–1750 Ann Blair, Kaspar von Greyerz. Margolin, Jean- Claude. ... In Nature and Scripture in the Abrahamic Religions: Up to 1700, edited by Jitse M. van der Meer and Scott Mandelbrote, 1:179–218.
A survey of violence in western Europe from the Reformation to the French Revolution.
New to this Edition: - Greater treatment of alchemy and associated craft activities, to reflect ongoing new scholarship - More focus on geographical issues, especially relating to Spain and its New World territories, as well as Eastern ...
... 1998); José Sala Catalá, Ciencia y técnica en la metropolización de América (Aranjuez, Spain: Doce Calles, 1994); María Pilar de San Pío Aladrén (ed.), El águila y el nopal: La expedición de Sessé y Mociño a Nueva España (1787–1803) ...
The primary source materials in this collection stand alone as texts in themselves, but in illustrating the scientific components of early modern societies they also make this book ideal for teachers and students of European history.
... Johann Kirchheim on ancient religion, or Servatius Gallaeus, Dissertationes de sibyllis, earum oraculis, cum figuris aeneis (Amsterdam: Boom, 1688). For the political and satirical works see Gerhard Langemeyer, “'Aesopus in Europa.